Sunday, May 16, 2010

Henkei Optimus Prime X BTS Toy Command Base

'Ssup y'all..

Let's go back in time to the days of Magic VS Bird.. What did we get on TV? We got Battlestar Galactica, we got the A Team, we got The Masters of The Universe, we got GI Joe, and we got the Transformers cartoon series.

The latter nowadays would be called Transformers G1, or short for Generation One by TF toy collectors. I'm guessing on why it's called G1.. it's probably because this is the thing that started it all. Since then, the Transformers Universe have become unlimitedly vast. Just check out for a more detailed and complete list of TF toy lines that is available on Earth from god knows when :)

It used to be so hard watching the G1 TV series back then. I remember i had a friend who went back and forth from Indo to the US for whatever reason and he would bring me back tapes of recorded TF episodes. Sounds easy right? WRONG. The tapes were VHS and Indonesia uses BETA!!! But not a problem, nowadays we can download from torrents.. I'm proud to say that i have downloaded the whole, complete Season 1 of Transformers G1 TV series *evil laughter*

20+ years later, I can now watch them on my iPhone.. no more cursing at VHS tapes that i can't watch hahahahahaha :)

The one thing that i remember most from this series was Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots. In their war on earth against the evil Decepticons, Prime would lead his army of robots that can transform into cool cars. But none was cooler than Prime, as he could transform into a Mac truck with a trailer on his back. The magic words were "Autobots.. transform, and roll out!", followed by that trademarked "transforming" sound effect.

Don't ask me where that trailer came from. It just appeared out of thin air! In robot mode, it never showed up.. but it appears everywhere Prime transforms into a truck, whether in the jungle, at sea, or on the road. It just didn't make sense, but cool nonetheless. This truly "more than meets the eye" hehehehe :)

I don't follow the progress of TF toys other than the ones i know from G1, so i don't know much about the Alternator line, or even the recent Movie line. But i do know that Takara Tomy makes the best G1 toys line.. they're very close to the original G1 toys, with a modern twist (meaning: better quality and finish).

After some time of searching and hunting, i was finally able to put together my own version of the Optimus Prime Convoy. Of course, i could just buy the complete box set released by Hasbro, but it wouldn't have that thrill-of-the-hunt feeling.. and i'm sure most collectors would agree with me. Anyways, Convoy i think is the given name of the condition where Prime is in truck mode with the trailer. SO BEHOLD..

"Takara Tomy Henkei Optimus Prime and BTS Toy Command Base"

The Convoy pictured below is a combination of:
Takara Tomy Optimus Prime C-01
(bought from Toy-Card PIM)and BTS Toy Mobile Command Base BTS-01S (bought from a Multi Sale in Kelapa Gading).



BTS Toy Mobile Command Base BTS-01S with Rollout Drone

Trailer mode

Mobile Command Base mode

Fits Legends Class figures and Revoltech Transformers figures

Takara Tomy Optimus Prime C-01

Truck mode

Robot mode

Of course, it would be much easier to buy the 25th Anniversary Optimus Prime pictured below..

..but like i said, there's no thrill-of-the-hunt there :)

That's it from me this time, kindly wait for my next review. Until then, keep on collecting 'till your wife says "ENOUGH!!!" :)

Regards, Donny a.k.a DeeJayRizla

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