Managed to get this from Hasbro/Newboy's booth at the last Battle of The Toys 2011 event for a really, really good price. Brand new old stock =)
Star Wars Clone Wars Anakin's Delta 2 Starfighter

I took the pic above from the WWW, sorry, coz i forgot to take shots of the box before posting this hahahahaha. But i assure you the rest is all my doing =)
After unboxing, below are what we would be getting from inside the box..
The manual

The Starfighter

The Starfighter can be split into two units, as below..
You'll get 3 missiles. We will be using Anakin himself and R4-P17 to demonstrate their fittings in the Starfighter. For the record, R4-P17 is Obi-wan's astromech droid and Anakin's should be R2-D2. All figures sold separately. D'oh!
Droid unit
Anakin's unit
Just my 2 cents.. better get an Anakin figure with fabric clothing rather than plastic clothing so he could sit better in the cockpit.
So there you have it. A worthy piece to add to your collection indeed. I leave you with one last look of the Starfighter, have fun and keep collecting =)
Donny a.k.a Master DeeJay Yoda
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