Got myself this: Lego City "Powerboat and Trailer Truck" no.4643. Actually i didn't get it myself, it's a present from my wife =) Allah SWT bless her for making me launch a big smile on my face hehehehehe.
Let's see what this is about..
After unboxing, this is what i get..
I get 3 packages inside the box, that will be assembled into:
1. Trailer
2. Powerboat
3. Truck
Let's build the trailer first.
So that's done. Now let's build the powerboat.
..and this is how it looks like when done. It's almost 30cm long, btw =)
Lastly, let's build the truck. In my opinion, this is the longest to build.
..and this is how the truck looks like when done.
Pretty sweet, right?? And this is how the complete set looks like when put together.
I change my mind, i will be collecting more Lego but only if they are this big, this cool, and always at a discounted price. Should be no problem, there's a police boat that i'm already eyeing at. Let's pray it will make it here into this blog =)
Cheers all.
Donny a.k.a DeeJay Yoda
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